新品 Donald L. Stilo 他2名
Modern Persian: Spoken and Written, Volume 1 (Yale Language Series)
Amazon 新品価格 ¥21,000
Amazon 非常に良い中古 ¥11,000
#ペルシャ語 #persian #farsi
Although Persian is one of the world’s oldest languages, in its modern form it is still spoken by more than forty million people in Iran and by more than twenty million people elsewhere. These volumes provide students from beginning to intermediate levels with a mastery of modern Persian (also known as farsi) and with an understanding of colloquial Persian.
The books offer extended vocabulary, grammar, and essays on aspects of Iranian culture. Volume I emphasizes speaking and understanding, and Volume 2 focuses on the written language. The first to teach Persian as a living language, Modern Persian incorporatesthe most effective methodologies and the most recent cultural and linguistic changes occurr
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>語学・辞書・学習参考書 |
商品の状態: | 新品、未使用 |
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